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Speaking & Media

Book Cheri to speak for your group or on your podcast

Cheri loves speaking to small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs!  There is a lot to learn when first launching a business and Cheri wants to make sure that legal issues aren’t the ones that cause you to trip up and put all your hard work at risk!

Cheri presents to entrepreneur facing groups, both virtual and in-person, as well as on podcasts and live-streamed events.  Book one of her signature talks for your group!

5 Keys to Launching a Legally Sound Business:

This information is important NOW!  – With employees over fifty
being pushed out of corporate America at staggering rates and having to reinvent themselves, and the huge loss of jobs
across all age groups due to the Pandemic and the Great Resignation, many people are turning to self-employment options
out of necessity or choice.  Small business is the backbone of this country and will be even more important as a
replacement for lost employment. Now, more than ever, it is critical for small business owners to understand the legal
implications of their business decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  1. How to avoid making some of the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs
  2. What type of business entity may be right for your small business
  3. When & Why you need contracts and policies for your business
  4. How to protect the Intellectual Property of your business (while avoiding infringement of other’s IP)

Copyright Basics for Small Business:

You work hard to create great copy
for your website, blog posts, courses, and marketing materials. Don’t let someone else profit from stealing your hard
work! Learn how copyright protections work in the United States and when/how to protect your intellectual property.

Key Takeaways:

  1. What copyright is and is not
  2. What types of work can receive copyright protection
  3. What you can do if your copyright is infringed
  4. The benefits of registering your copyright

Business Formation: Choosing the Right Business Entity

In the business
world, your business entity is the container that holds your company. Your choice of business entity needs to align with
your business goals and objectives and the legal requirements for your business industry. This talk explores the
different types of business entities, the pros and cons of each, and why you might choose one entity type over another.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding your business risk level
  2. The purpose of setting up an LLC
  3. The tax differences between LLC, S Corp, and C Corp

The Protect Protocol™: Best Practices for Data Security

Small business is
not immune from data breach issues.  Quite to the contrary, small businesses are an enticing target to cyber criminals
because they typically don’t have as many security protocols in place and are easier to hack! This talk provides a high
level discussion of the best practices to prevent data breach before it ever happens. Using the acronym “PROTECT” we’ll
talk about seven ways to protect your small business from a data breach.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Data security laws that apply to small business
  2. The costs of a data security breach
  3. Best practices you can implement right away to prevent data breach

Book Cheri to speak for your group or on your podcast

Cheri has spoken for:

Listen to Cheri on these podcasts:

Profit First Provessionals

Episode 433

Financially Free Author Show

Watch Episode

Created for More

Episode 55

Just Wanted to Ask

Episode 20

All Things Authorpreneur

Episode 3

She’s Invincible

Episode 137

The Climb with Christine Trumbull

Episode 21 & Episode 22

The Second Phase with Robyn Graham

Click here

Marketing Solutions for Local Businesses with Frank Demming

Episode 36 & Episode 74

The Difference Makers with Jacqueline Grant

On Crossing the Finish Line


Five Keys to Launching a Legally Sound Business


Have you avoided hiring an attorney because, as a small business owner, you aren’t clear on
why you need one? Are your contracts and policies cobbled together Do-It-Yourself creations? Smooth Sailing: An Essential Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business pinpoints the areas of your business―from corporate structure to contracts to compliance―where proper attention to the legal details will help you avoid costly mistakes and provide you the confidence of knowing that both YOU and your livelihood are legally protected!

“I wanted to provide an educational resource that empowers business owners to understand the legal aspects of their businesses and make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes,” Andrews said. “I wanted to enable entrepreneurs to
avoid mistakes that put themselves and their businesses at risk. Knowledge is power.”

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